Thursday, July 2, 2020

 Okay okay, I am back as promised. A mom child themed duo choreo was a dream for me. I truly meant to only dreamt of it and honestly never planned for it to come true, but magic does happen. For you to see!
πŸ’₯πŸ’₯🌟 🌟πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
 One thing in my mind always was not the old conventional yashoda krishn songs, that doesn't resonate with me snd bettu personalities. We are equally mischievous and energetic, then came this song from Bahubali. Bettu adjusted the choreo to depict yashoda krishn, I enjoyed this a lot and it's close to my heart for obvious reasons.❀ Apologize to kids if you ever err., they learn from us. Usually we expect the kids to apologize to us everytime they make a mistake but we often forget to return the favor. No, think about it! If an adult makes the same mistake our kid does, i guess the way we react is different. We take kids at liberty and when we make a mistake although we feel guilty, sometimes we don't apologize verbally which I think is important for a healthy and friendly relationship even between parents and kids. I try to practice to set the stage for bettu to follow... dont let age and ego come in the way of manners.πŸ₯° The saree is a bandhani one, got this from my bestie Minsha collection.

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Pujo 2020. Shubho Bijoya

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