Monday, March 9, 2020

Bura na mano Holi hai

#debsaristories #holi #internationalwomensday #beresponsible Womanhood comes with responsibility as much as manhood does. I am ashamed to accept that I really dont know when international men's day is (if there is even such a thing). So while the world is making big deal of the womens day, my thoughts wonder elsewhere as usual.

My #womanhoodpledge - I dont need a day to celebrate being myself, t
hank you but no thanks. I celebrate being myself everyday.
 - I also pledge not to use my gender to play any sympathy case, special advantages cards etc.
 - I dont want to claim the "ladies quota" especially because I am seeking equality not favoritism.
 - I dont want to cut lines, so I can get ahead of other men. I am capable of working my way up in fair and just manner.
- I also dont want to assume all women have good intentions just like how all men dont have bad intentions either.
- Human beings of both sex have good and bad people. It's a matrix.. not singular one on one mapping. I will use wisdom and discretion in my judgement.
 - I also dont want to go overboard being this "new age woman" and lose my common sense in the process.
 - I will remember my mom's upbringing and my family's faith in me.
- I would always remember my priorities irrespective of my sex, be it work or home, just like I expect my man to.
 - I wouldn't do anything, I wouldn't expect my man to do. I maintain transparency both ways. We both are individuals and we would respect each other's space.
- I don't complain running errands, groceries, dishes etc knowing it's a choice I made and enjoy doing and fully knowing the rules could be swapped with my man, the days I want to lie on the couch lazily without reason.
- I love being the woman I am, I wouldn't be anyone else and I also deeply thank every man that supported me becoming who I am.
- I am happy in my space, be nice and I will let you be.
To think of it, my dad supported me in my education and didn't think of me as weaker or lesser offspring. My husband and FIL continued to support my career, my teachers who supported me get into awesome topping grades were all men, my friends in college and colleagues at work.. and my best male friend, my bettu.. thank you all. For because of you, I am celebrating Women's day. And I will every day. This is as "holi" as I can get. Amidst colorful background peacefully standing in my favorite white saree. I would dare not do this for real.

1 comment:

Pujo 2020. Shubho Bijoya

 #debsaristories #durgapuja2020 🌺🌺  || Shubho Bijoya! ||🌺🌺  Hmm.. One more year, one more Dussehraand  Bijoya. This year indeed had man...