Sunday, October 6, 2019

#debsaristories #durgapujo The rolly eyes game! It's a silent hide and seek. Do you see this too? Women trying to avoid eye contact even though the HUGE you are standing right in front of them like iceberg in front of Titanic? Yeah I witness a lot of that during these socio-cultural events. The "higher ups" trying to avoid the First eye contact with the "commons". Its like, "you go first, you look at me, wave at me, try to smile, yell, make faces while I try to pretend that I am super busy and important person and I will completely ignore your presence even though you are less than two feet away from me". Sometimes they even summon someone behind you ten feet away and you wonder if THEY are long-sighted or did YOU just magically become invisible like Mr. India. I observe this game being played all around me in these gatherings. What a fun to watch (pun intended) Hmm. What syndrome is this? Is this mental condition officially recorded with a name in medical books? Perhaps the wise ones and doctors in this group can enlighten us. How does making eye contact with someone and greeting them first make you less important ? If that's true, I will be out of that "order of importance" game even during auditions. I can go tap people and greet them, perhaps I should learn a thing or two going forward and behave like those grown ups. Perhaps that what I am supposed to do at 39. Phew.. so much worldly learning pending.

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Pujo 2020. Shubho Bijoya

 #debsaristories #durgapuja2020 🌺🌺  || Shubho Bijoya! ||🌺🌺  Hmm.. One more year, one more Dussehraand  Bijoya. This year indeed had man...