Sunday, March 3, 2019

#debsaristories "Wow, she is hot" is a common thought that crosses many men's minds. Nothing wrong in it. But I often wonder what is the definition of 'hot'? Do they see the large heart behind the small breasts? Do they see the deep mind behind short hair or is it just the physical appearance and sizes that matter? Largely and sadly, it's just the appearance that attracts! After all, someone drool worthy is anyday taken over someone intelligent, how much ever the world may "progress". Sab bolnewali baat hai πŸ™„πŸ™„

These were the thoughts crossing my mind, as I watched the green pastures around and how beautifully nature had made this world look for us. At times, it feels as though time stands still on those hills and the only race around is of the humans, like puppets in a show. Its worthy being a blade of grass on those pastures and be the fodder to cattle that give us milk, than being unworthy in a world of inhuman expectations of human beings. Ah! I should try to do good karma to get lucky next birth, this one's a miss already! ye!

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Pujo 2020. Shubho Bijoya

 #debsaristories #durgapuja2020 🌺🌺  || Shubho Bijoya! ||🌺🌺  Hmm.. One more year, one more Dussehraand  Bijoya. This year indeed had man...