Wednesday, March 13, 2019

#debsaristories #mysareetwin "Hey, how's it going?" "Good!!" The mechanical pleasantries! Standard greeting, some dont even wait for your reply, they move on. And I stand there wondering as I fill my glass of water (half and half, hot and cold) .. do you really tell people the truth when they ask the question, most likely not Like I dint tell them,
.  Tired! I feel exhausted already and it's not even 09:00 am
. Annoyed! I felt the meeting previous day was crap where bunch people talked and nobody did anything productive
. Worried! I was worried how my kid would do his history and science test
. Frustrated! Oh shit , its gorgeous outside and here I am in jean and tee, whereas I should be in saree amidst spring bloom
. Nervous! Duh, the eastbay saree meet is coming up soon and I have few more EventBrite tickets to send
  Smile! My colleague had brought lunch the previous day because I lost track of time amidst meetings and work, blissful
. Happy! Ma's bday coming soon and saree ready for her (and me 😝!)

So yeah, the short answer to that question was "Good"  I dint have an orange silk, so draped orange linen instead!!

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Pujo 2020. Shubho Bijoya

 #debsaristories #durgapuja2020 🌺🌺  || Shubho Bijoya! ||🌺🌺  Hmm.. One more year, one more Dussehraand  Bijoya. This year indeed had man...